
Bułgaria - propozycja współpracy ponadnarodowej

Dear colleagues,

Agency for Social Assistance within the Bulgarian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy as an Intermediate Body of the Human Resources Development Operational programme is looking for an international project partner under call for proposals BG051PO001-7.0.03 "Without borders", priority axis 7 Transnational and Interregional Cooperation.
The objective of this operation is to provide a platform which will allow all stakeholders to benefit from the lessons learned under EQUAL, as well as to exchange ideas and plans on the best ways to use the ESF funding in the following policy fields:
  • administrative capacity
  • sound management of projects and programmes. 

The operation will support intervention models ensuring collaboration between projects in different Member States and collaboration between national, regional and local institutions and organizations (ESF Managing Authorities and Intermediate Bodies in the Member States).
The aim of call is to learn from the experience in other EU Member States in the management of the resources from the European Social Fund in a well established and organized way by exchanging ideas, knowledge, know-how and staff, and through joint development, implementation and financing of projects where an added value may be expected.
The operation will stimulate directly and support innovations and will promote the dissemination and transfer of innovative results in the policies applied and in practice. The key effect of applying the transnational and interregional cooperation will be observed in the development of relevant solutions to tackle identified needs in ways that are more cost-effective and time-efficient than they would be if only national/internal approaches were applied.
Good practices and tools may be related to all stages of the project implementation process including programming, call for proposals, contracting, monitoring, verification, payment, evaluation, etc.
The following types of activities could be funded under the present call for proposal:
  • Observations, studies and surveys of developments in other Member States or third countries, including study visits and placements;
  • Assessment, peer reviews, benchmarking of relevant practices and performance in other Member States or third countries;
  • Dissemination and sharing of information, experience, good practices and lessons learned, including through publications, events, networks, twinning arrangements;
  • Exchange of programme and project managers, staff, trainers, trainees, representatives of stakeholders;
  • Import, transfer and adaptation of models and practices from abroad;
  • Joint or coordinated development, testing or validation of services, products or support systems;
  • Coordination of joint activities;
  • Sharing experience on the ground. 

The available budget under the call is BGN 1 000 000 (EUR 511 291). The deadline for application is 16 December 2011. All documents related to international partners are uploaded on the website of the programme: http://ophrd.government.bg/view_doc.php/5323 .
In case you are interested in our proposal for international cooperation or should you require any additional information, please contact euprogram@asp.government.bg.
We would very much appreciate if you could provide us with response no later than 18th of November 2011.
Faithfully yours,
Pravda Ignatova
Director International Cooperation, Programs and European Integration Directorate
Agency for Social Assistance

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